The first step is to go out into the yard and pick a ton of honeysuckle blossoms. We like to take a few big bowls outside and fill them up.
Once you have a big bowl of honeysuckle, fill the bowl with water that is about room temperature or cold. Slosh the blossoms around with your hands, then pour out the water - either through a strainer or hold the flowers back with your hand and be very careful pouring out the water.
honeysuckle flowers, water
Once the flowers are cleaned up, line the trays of a dehydrator with them.
honeysuckle flowers
If your dehydrator has a temperature, set it to 108°F or 41°C (the setting for herbs or living food) for 12 - 24 hours. If your dehydrator does not have an adjustable temperature - just turn it on. These dehydrators run pretty hot, so the flowers will dry a lot faster, likely in 2 - 4 hours. (Just keep an eye on them so they don't burn.)
To dehydrate the flowers in the oven, place them on a piece of parchment paper on a cookie sheet with edges. Put the flowers in the oven on low heat, around 180°F - 200°F, for 2 - 4 hours.
To tell if the flowers are dry, press on a flower. If it is crunchy, it is dry. If it is at all squishy, it needs to dry longer.
Once dry, transfer the flowers to an airtight container or jar.